SmallSat Guideline

European Space Agency (ESA) highly encourages any inclinations towards actions which are align with economic and ecological benefits of small satellites stacking. Therefore, ESA issued an invitation to tender (ITT), with an objective to develop and evaluate by test the Design Guideline for Small Satellites that allows efficient stacking inside large launchers fairing.

To be competitive, make every launch much more efficient and support the reusable launcher tendency, stacking of multiple satellites is the logical step. The project is planned for 2 years and includes a test to prove the feasibility of the concept.


"An essential part of the project and the adoption of an innovative multi launch concept is the involvement of all stakeholders, such as small satellite manufacturers or launcher providers, including understanding their requirements."

Radka Václavíková, Project Manager

© OHB Czechspace

Our involvement in the project

OHB Czechspace is responsible for the development and testing of a new concept of stacking small satellites on a rocket launcher, including the preparation of a guideline for satellite manufacturers.

Necessary part of the project is inclusion of small satellites manufacturers and heavy launchers providers, gaining their requirements and listening to their needs in order to make the final concept to their benefits.

Therefore, OHB Czechspace prepares a working group including the aforementioned stakeholders. The task is to take their suggestions into account when possible and based on that to develop the design guideline for small satellites that will be used in the space sector.


Our customer is the European Space Agency. OHB Czechspace is the so-called prime contractor with LuxSpace as subcontractor.